First of all, we hope you and your family are healthy and safe. As you may know by now, due to the governor’s directive, we must start the school year with distance or virtual learning.
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First, if you have not done so already, you must complete the Registration Data Confirmation process as soon as possible which is outlined on the OUSD Registration webpage.
Please note, you do NOT need to submit any signed, printed documents or proof of residence at this time; simply completing the registration process online will allow us to enroll your child.
免费海外网站加速器下载, later during this week, I will be calling with additional details regarding class assignments, device and ipad distribution, and student school supply and material distribution scheduled for the week of August 10th.
Lastly, please continue to monitor your messages from our school and district and check our school website for updates. Please do not hesitate to call the school at (760) 966-4203 if you have any questions or need any assistance.
While we are disappointed that we cannot start the school year in person, we assure you that we do whatever it takes to meet your needs and support you and your child with virtual learning. Please take care of yourselves.
In order for students to enroll at Laurel, families must complete the Data Confirmation process outlined on the OUSD Registration webpage.
Please be aware:
- We do NOT need your printed, signed documents or proof of residency at the school site; simply completing the digital process will allow us to enroll your child
- Necessary documents can be uploaded into Aeries using these document-saving directions.
If you have any questions, please call our administrative assistant , Melissa Sievers at 760-966-4203 after August 4th.
All class assignments and grades will now be posted to Aeries. Please register your student and parent portal accounts using the verification code given at registration. Parents can call the main office for their verification code.
Need Help? Click here for detailed instructions on creating an account.
Click here to apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals "ONLINE"
Hacer clic aquí para aplicar por internet para almuerzo a precio reducido o gratis.
- 能上google免费加速器
- You will receive a Confirmation Number of your accepted application
- Applications will be processed between 1 and 10 days depending on the volume of applications currently being processed